Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, melatonin or DHEA - one of many endocrine hormones that decline in production as we age.
Many hormones can be replaced with supplements to deter some of the effects of aging. But HGH goes far beyond their scope - not only can HGH prevent biological aging, but it REVERSES a wide range of the aging process's signs and symptoms. In fact, HGH therapy has been scientifically shown to turn back the biological clock as much as 20 years.
HGH, or somatotropin, is the most abundant hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, a process that peaks during adolescence. Gradually this hormone secretion diminishes with age. By the time you reach the age of 60, you may only secrete 25% as much as an average 20 year old. This greatly contributes to the acceleration of the aging process.
HGH is primarily released during the beginning phases of sleep. It is quickly converted by the liver into the growth-promoting metabolite somatomedin C, then circulated through the body. Most of the beneficial effects of GHR-15 are directly associated with somatomedin C. Since somatomedin C is vital in instructing cells to produce protein and repair themselves, low levels have been clearly linked to the aging process.
The decline of growth hormone with age is directly associated with many of the symptoms of aging. These include wrinkling, gray hair, decreased energy, and diminished sexual function. Lack of growth hormone contributes to increasing body fat, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and an inclination toward other aging-related diseases.
You may have observed these symptoms in younger adults, and often this is to do with a human growth hormone deficiency. Fortunately, clinical evidence demonstrates that by elevating human growth hormone, we can significantly reverse these symptoms. With GHR-15 you achieve the following:
Look Younger
Lose fat
Restore hair growth
Regain hair color
Reduce wrinkles
Improve skin texture
Improve skin elasticity
Feel Younger
Elevates your mood
Improves sleep
Restore sex drive
Increase energy
Restore bone and muscle mass
Reduce blood pressure
Reduce cholesterol
Normalizes blood sugar
Regenerate heart, liver, kidneys, lungs
Up until now, growth hormone therapy has only been available through injections. These have been prohibitively expensive, and quite difficult to use. Now there is GHR-15 - Growth Hormone Releaser 15. Order GHR-15 today live tomorrow.
Original GHR15, like a fountain of youth, increases longevity
Condensed from the Government Report by the National Institute on Aging
One hundred and twenty years, as far as we know, is the longest that anyone has ever lived. A man in Japan, Shirechiyo Izumi, reached the age of 120 years, 237 days in 1986, according to documents that most experts think are authentic. He died after developing pneumonia.
Long lives always make us wonder: What is the secret? Does it lie in the genes? Is it where people live or the way the live - - something they do or do not do? Eat or do not eat? Most of the scientists who study aging, gerontologists, say the secret probably lies in all of the above - - heredity, environment, and lifestyle.
But gerontologists also ask other and more difficult questions. For example, if the 120 year old had not finally succumbed to illness, could he have lived on and on? Or was he approaching some built-in biological limit? Is there a maximum human life span beyond which we cannot live no matter how optimal our environment or favorable our genes?
Whether or not there is such a limit, what happens as we age? What are the dynamics of this process and how do they make life spans short, average, or long? Once we understand these dynamics, could they be used to extend everyone's life span to 120 or even, as some scientists speculate, to much greater ages?
And finally for all of us, the most important question: How can insights into longevity be used to fight the diseases and disabilities associated with old age to make sure thie period of life is healthy, active, and independent?
Average life span and live expectancy in the United States have grown dramatically in this century, from about 47 years in 1900 to about 75 years in 1990. This advance is mostly due to improvements in sanitation, the discovery of antibiotics, and medical care. Now, as scientists make headway against chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease, some think it can be extended even further.
Maximum human life span seems to be another matter. There is no evidence that it has changed for thousands of years despite fabled fountains of youth and biblical tales of long-lived patriarchs. However, very recently, the dream of extending life span has shifted from legend to laboratory. As gerontologists explore the genes, cells, and organs involved in aging, they are uncovering more and more of the secrets of longevity. As a result, life extension may now be more than the stuff of myth and the retardation of disease and disability, realistic goals.
In 1989, at Veterans Administration hospitals in Milwaukee and Chicago, a small group of men aged 60 and over began receiving injections three times a week that dramatically reversed some signs of aging. The injections increased their lean body (and presumably muscle) mass, reduced excess fat and thickened skin. When the injections stopped, the men's new strength ebbed and signs of aging returned.
What the men were taking was recombinant human growth hormone (GH), a synthetic version of the hormone that is produced in the pituitary gland and plays a critical part in normal childhood growth and development. Now the researchers are learning that GH, or the declind of GH, seems also to play a role in the aging process in at least some individuals.
The idea that hormones are linked to aging is not new. We have long known that some hormones decline with age. Human growth hormone levels decrease in about half of all adults with the passage of time. Production of the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone tends to fall off. Hormones with less familiar names, like melatonin and thymosin, are also not as abundant in older as in younger adults.
New territory, unexplored or only sketchily mapped, lies ahead. As gerontologists isolate and characterize more and more longevity - and aging-related genes in laboratory animals, insights into genes and gene products important in human aging will emerge. Comparable human genes will be identified and mapped to chromosomes.
This information will be useful in designing both genetic and non-genetic interventions to slow or even reverse some aging-related changes. Already, for example, a study by Helen Blau of Stanford University has shown that muscle cells can be geretically modified and injected into muscle where they will produce and secrete human growth hormone. Non-genetic strategies will include the development of interventions to reduce damage to cellular components, such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids.
Normal aging will be more closely defined. For instance, at NIA's Gerontology Research Center, the behavior of the cells that line blood vessels during aging is now providing clues to the stiffening of blood vessels that occurs with age as well as insights into vascular disease. As key biomarkers of aging are identified, researchers will be able to use them to test interventions to slow aging. Studies will begin to delve more deeply into differences in aging between the sexes and among ethnic groups.
In short, gerontologists will be charting the paths ans intersections of genetic, biochemical, and physiologic aging. What they find will reveal some of the secrets of aging. It may lead to extended life spans. It will very certainly contribute to better health, less disability, and more independence in the second fifty years of life.